University Application and Selection Process - MS in Canada
The university application process and selection process for your MS in Canada can seem like an arduous task. However, with proper guidance and planning, you can handle the university application process efficiently. This article covers all the relevant details in a systematic manner.

Before You Start
- List down all the admission requirements and the eligibility criteria for the institutions you are aiming for. Also, check for any country-specific requirements.
- Make sure you have officially notarized copies of your original documents.
Online Application
- The universities/colleges have online application portals where you can apply for their programs.
- Register with your personal information. Ensure that you fill all the details accurately, as in your passport.
- Make sure you check your e-mail often. The universities may send mails which may end up in spam folder. Be careful while deleting out spam.
- For the online university application, you will need to upload scanned certificates, records and other documents.
- Fill in your profile details as in the Passport / any other National Identification Document
- Provide e-mail addresses of your academic/professional recommenders.
- Print out the application form, sign it, then upload the acknowledgement.
- Proceed to apply.
Initial Profile Evaluation
- Usually, your candidacy is assessed solely on your online application, with all records and certificates submitted by you. You need to just wait for any response or changes in the application status.
- Personal Interview: Sometimes, you might be interviewed on Skype/telephone, where you will be questioned on your profile and interests.
Document Verification
- Sometimes, the institutions select only based on the online application. You need not submit any hard copies then; your documents shall be checked and verified when you enroll at the university.
- There might also be cases when the universities need you to submit the notarized copies of your documents. The second phase of evaluation happens when you give the physical copies. You will then get your final result in the following days.
- Universities will send you the admission letter only after you have confirmed your admission via e-mail.
Additional Tips
- Keep the university application records/certificates/documents in the same order as mentioned on the university portal.
- Keep a cover letter mentioning all the certificates & documents enclosed (following the same order); keep it at the top.
- Use good quality paper to have all the critical documents printed – be it your CV, SOP or LORs. Never print on both sides.
- Use paper clips to keep all the papers together.
- Write your name/student ID/application ID on all the documents with a pencil. This way, your application papers will not get shuffled with others.